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I. Collaboration, Sharing and Mutual Respect.


A major benefit of Lillington Co-Working (LCW) at THE OFFICE membership is access to your fellow members. We absolutely encourage LCW members to make connections, collaborate on projects, share ideas, provide advice, and generally make great stuff happen. However, members may NOT spend a large part of their time at THE OFFICE directly soliciting other members and this could result in cancellation of your membership were it to continue after you were cautioned. LCW is fundamentally a place to work. While we want our community to be open, fun, energizing, and collaborative, we also want it to be professional, and the interest thereof, all members, guests and other users of the Services must abide by the following rules and requirements:


1. Every person using LCW Services must be a paid member. Exceptions are limited to:

(a) Day Pass holders;

(b) non-members who may use LCW Services when they are meeting LCW members at THE OFFICE for business-related meetings; and in a private office, semi-private office, conference room, or outdoor meeting area.

(c) non-member attendees of special events in THE OFFICE. Members are accountable for the conduct of their guests.


Members must immediately notify LCW of any additional usage of the Services beyond that designated in their current Membership Agreement. LCW reserves the right to refuse access to any persons, including Members, that LCW in good faith judges to be a threat to the safety, reputation, or property of THE OFFICE and its occupants.


2. LCW codes can be obtained only from LCW, at your cost, and are NOT transferable. You are not authorized to copy or to give or “loan” your code to anyone else for any reason. LCW may cancel your membership if we discover that you have violated this rule. 


3. Please keep the kitchen area clean. Please wash, dry, or place in the dishwasher your cups, glasses and dishes. Please take care of your guests’ items as well.


4. Please label and date all food and beverages you put in the refrigerator. LCW reserves the right to throw anything in the refrigerator away that should be thrown out, in our judgment.


5. If you drink the last cup of coffee, please make a new pot as a courtesy to others.  If the water is empty in the Keurig, please fill it.  If the water is empty in the tea pot, please fill it.


6. Discrimination toward and harassment of others are prohibited in THE OFFICE. LCW has a zero-tolerance policy for any remarks or behavior that fails to respect the dignity and feelings of any individual in or from THE OFFICE. We recommend that all employees of all LCW member companies take a class on the problem of workplace harassment.


7. You agree to keep your workspace clean and orderly and to remove all trash, packaging and boxes from your workspace or common space frequently.  All trash must be placed in bags before being put into outdoor trashcans.


8. Your membership in LCW affords you paid and unpaid access to conference rooms. Please note the following regarding conference rooms and phone booths:


9. LCW has a limited number of conference rooms and to ensure that rooms are always available members must book conference rooms prior to use using the scheduling software provided by LCW (website). There is no drop-in use of conference rooms. 


10. You may not re-sell or donate your conference room time to any non-member or to groups having non-members.  If you have guest, you must remain in the same area as your guest until they are escorted out of THE OFFICE by you.


11. Please clean up after using a conference room. If you re-arrange the furniture in the conference room, please return it to the original set-up when you’re finished. Please erase the white boards after use.


12. If you want to hold an event at a LCW facility, please talk to the LCW staff to discuss scheduling, guest policy, insurance requirements, and fees if applicable.


13. LCW is a 24/7 facility for members. Members are expected to be mindful of security at THE OFFICE and of the safety of others at all times.


14. You are welcome to proudly display your company name on a single, removable sign as long as your signage does not damage walls in THE OFFICE or LCW’s or others’ property. Your sign may be no larger than one square foot or the equivalent area.


15. You may not use the name of LCW, our phone number or email address, the name of the Building or any picture of THE OFFICE in connection with, or in promoting or advertising your business or any endorsement of or testimonial with respect to your business without the prior written consent of LCW. You may, however, use the address of THE OFFICE as the address of your business.


16. In the unlikely event that LCW waives any Community Rule as to you or any particular member, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other rule or regulation or any subsequent application thereof to you or any other member.





Lillington Co-Working (LCW) at THE OFFICE leases its space from a landlord, and in order to ensure continued compliance with its lease, members and guests must abide by the following rules and regulations regarding THE OFFICE.


1. You may not place anything, or allow anything to be placed where it may, in LCW’s judgment, appear unsightly from the outside of the building in which THE OFFICE are located (“Building”).


2. The sidewalks, halls, passages, exits, entrances, and stairways shall not be obstructed or used for any purposes other than for ingress to and egress from THE OFFICE.


3. You agree to use THE OFFICE so as not to necessitate any unnecessary janitorial labor or services and will throw all waste in appropriate receptacles.


4. You cannot cook in THE OFFICE (excepting use of the coffee maker and microwave) and cannot sleep in or otherwise use THE OFFICE for lodging.


5. LCW facilities are smoke, tobacco, and illegal substance free. You, your employees and invitees may not smoke, vape, chew tobacco or carry lighted cigars or cigarettes EXCEPT in areas reasonably designated by LCW and allowed by applicable law and government agencies as smoking areas.


6. You may not bring upon, use or keep in THE OFFICE or the Building, any inflammable, combustible or explosive material, or use any method of heating or air conditioning other than that supplied by LCW.


7. Upon the termination of Services, you will deliver to LCW all codes and cards furnished to you.


8. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) use reasonable efforts to cause all doors and gates to THE OFFICE that you have opened to be closed and securely locked before leaving the Building. You and the other members assume full responsibility for protecting THE OFFICE from theft, robbery and pilferage, which includes keeping doors locked and other means of entry to THE OFFICE closed and secured.


9. You will cooperate fully with LCW to assure the most effective operation of the heat and air conditioning system for THE OFFICE, and will refrain from attempting to adjust any controls. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) keep corridor doors closed.


10. Except with the prior written consent of LCW, you will not sell or cause to be sold any items or services in THE OFFICE, nor will you carry on or permit or allow any employee or person to carry on the business of machine copying, stenography, typewriting or similar business in or from THE OFFICE for the service or accommodation of occupants of any portion of THE OFFICE without written consent of LCW.


11. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) not install in, affix to, or bring into THE OFFICE any furniture, fixtures, or equipment unless a part of your Member Agreement. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) not place graffiti on or deface the walls, partitions or other surfaces of THE OFFICE or the Building.


12. On Saturdays, Sundays, federally observed holidays, and on other days during certain hours for which THE OFFICE may be closed after normal business hours, access to THE OFFICE or to halls and corridors will be controlled by LCW through the use of a code system. LCW will in no case be liable for damages wherein admission to the Building has not been granted during abnormal hours by reason of your failing to properly identify yourself through the use of a code, or through the failure of the Building to be unlocked and open for access by you, your employees and general public.


13. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) not change locks or install other locks on doors without the prior written consent of LCW.


14. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) not damage or inappropriately use any toilet rooms, plumbing or other utilities. You will give prompt notice to LCW of any accident or damage to or defects in electrical, plumbing, mechanical, telecom, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or other systems or apparatus known to you so the same may be attended to properly.


15. As a courtesy to Members, LCW will accept packages on Member’s behalf that are delivered in Member’s absence to THE OFFICE. Member hereby authorizes LCW’s representatives to accept on Member’s behalf any packages that are addressed to Member and delivered to THE OFFICE due to Member’s absence, and agrees to hold LCW and such representatives harmless for signing for receipt of such packages and for any loss of or damage to the packages.


16. You will not make or permit any noise or odors that annoy or interfere with other members or persons having business in THE OFFICE. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) not bring anything in or around THE OFFICE or Building that is excessively heavy or that causes excessive vibration in any part of the Building.


17. Neither you nor your Authorized Users will keep animals or birds in THE OFFICE nor bring motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, bicycles, scooters, skateboards or other modes of transportation into areas not designated for them.


18. You will not employ any service or contractor for services or work to be performed in the Building, except as approved by LCW.


19. You, your employees and invitees may not go on the roof of THE OFFICE.


20. You will (and will cause your Authorized Users to) comply with all safety, fire protection and evacuation regulations established by LCW, the owner of the Building or any applicable government agencies.





LCW may, in LCW’s sole discretion, provide you with access to parking at or near THE OFFICE, which parking access may be revoked at any time. In the event that LCW provides you with parking at or near THE OFFICE, you agree to abide by the following regulations:


1. Parking areas will be used only for parking by vehicles no longer than full size, passenger automobiles and for no other purpose. No storage of any items including but not limited to trucks, trailers, shipping/storage containers, boxes and pallets will be permitted in either the parking areas or the Common Areas of the project in which the Building is located.


2. You will not permit or allow any vehicles that belong to or are controlled by you or your employees, suppliers, clients, customers, visitors or invitees to be loaded, unloaded, or parked in areas other than those designated by LCW for such activities.


3. LCW reserves the right to relocate all or a part of parking spaces within the parking area of the Building.


4. Users of the parking area will obey all posted signs and park only in the areas designated for vehicle parking.


5. Unless otherwise instructed, every person using the parking area is required to park and lock his/her own vehicle. Neither LCW nor the owner of the Building will be responsible for any damage to vehicles, injury to persons or loss of property, all of which risks are assumed by the party using the parking area.


6. The maintenance, washing, waxing or cleaning of vehicles or other modes of transportation in the parking areas or Common Areas is prohibited.


7. You will be responsible for seeing that all of your Authorized Users, employees, agents and invitees comply with this Membership Agreement, and the applicable parking rules, regulations, laws and agreements.


8. The Building owner reserves the right to modify these rules and/or to adopt such other reasonable rules and regulations as it may from time to time deem necessary for the proper operation of the Building and/or the parking area. You agree to abide by all such existing, modified and new rules and regulations.


9. Such parking use as is herein provided is intended merely as a license only and no bailment is intended or will be created hereby.

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